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Landsaw Eyecare Brings Revolutionary Technology To The Florida Keys To Ensure Patients’ Eye Health!

As we monitor your eye health, it’s essential that we check your retina (located at the back of your eye).

Previously, eye dilation was the only way to do this. But Optomap allows us to take a comprehensive image of your retina, usually without dilation.

How Optomap Works

Optomap is a low-powered laser that digitally scans your retina. The procedure is non-invasive, painless, and takes less than a minute. You’ll simply look into the device, one eye at a time (much like looking through a keyhole), and wait until you see a gentle flash of light that lets us know the image has been captured. We’ll then use those images to check for eye abnormalities.
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Dilation allows our doctors to have a better 3D view of inside the patients eye with 10-15% of the eye being viewed at a time. Optomap allows for 80% of the inside of the eye to be seen 2D in each Ultra-Widefield Panoramic image. In addition, Optomap shows cells that are stressed before they die with the autofluorescence function, allowing for earlier detection of abnormalities. Optomap is the only technology with this capability. We still dilate our patients’ eyes annually, and as needed, but the dilation drop we now use wears off in about 20 minutes. The combination of dilation and Optomap allows for a more comprehensive evaluation of the retina.

Diseases Diagnosed With The Help Of Optomap

Many eye problems can develop without you knowing, in fact, you may not even notice any change in your sight, initially. Studies show Optomap has detected eye health issues and systemic health issues, seen in the eyes, 66% of the time before other eye health evaluation methods. It has also successfully aided in the diagnosis of Diabetic Related Retinal Diseases, Hypertension, Retinal Tumors, Retinal Traction, Retinal Bleeding, Retinal Scarring, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Ocular Histopplasmosis, Choroidal Folds, Retinal Vessel Obstruction, Choroidal Nevus, Age Related Macular Degeneration, Retinal Tears, Retinal Detachments, Glaucoma, and can identify some heart disease risk factors.

Is Optomap Covered By Insurance?

This advanced diagnostic screening is not covered by insurance. The cost for this screening is $39.

Optomap Helps Us Help You

We always seek the best technologies available with one objective—to give you the very best vision care possible. If you have any questions about Optomap, please contact us. Or, message us on Facebook!

We’ll see you at your next visit!

As always, thank you so much for your kind referrals of family members, neighbors, and coworkers. We appreciate it.