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Doctors & Staff

At Landsaw Eyecare, we will fulfill all of your family’s optometric needs, from routine eye exams and eye emergencies to contact lenses and sunglasses.

Doctors and StaffWe can also recommend specialized ophthalmologists for any surgical needs that arise. Drs. Harry and Jannah are also committed to continuing education in the field of ocular health. We are proud to offer the most up-to-date services, technologies, equipment, and materials in the area.

Drs. Harry and Jannah Landsaw

Drs. Harry and Jannah met while attending school at Southern College of Optometry in Memphis. Dr. Harry swept Dr. Jannah off her feet and they married in 1999 on Miami Beach. They have lived in South Florida since returning in 2001. Dr. Jannah is happy to be raising her family near her own family and the beautiful Atlantic Ocean

The doctors have two children, Drew and Bethany.

Our Staff

Our Staff at Landsaw Eyecare are well trained and focused on making your patient experience a personal one. All members of our staff attend continuing education classes throughout the year in their occupational field of study. The office culture at Landsaw Eyecare is one of excellence in patient care and personalized service. We believe and practice doing the right thing to make your experience a good one with long lasting happiness, eye health, and optimal vision.

Natalie Amador – Office Manager

Natalie Amador began working with the Landsaw Eyecare Team in June of 2013. As the office manager, she takes care of many important day to day management activities. It is her goal to help increase the efficiency and productivity of Landsaw Eyecare and to help all team members and patients in any area they may require. Natalie is the coordinator of Vision Source staff representatives in Dr. Landsaw’s southeast territory of Florida and also helps with many other tasks such as vision insurances, billing, accounts, supplies, meetings and more. Natalie’s organization and interpersonal skills make her a valued part of the team at Landsaw Eyecare and she takes great care to catch every detail to make our patients experience smooth and pleasurable.

Claire Williams – Patient Care Coordinator

Claire Williams is our Patient Care Coordinator joining our practice in December, 2008. With her many years of experience working in an Emergency Room performing triage and managing doctors offices, she brings a great deal of experience and knowledge of the medical field to our team.

Claire’s wonderful personality, concern for patients’ care, professionalism and kindness brings a very special atmosphere to our office and makes it a pleasurable experience for all. Claire will assist you any way possible to make your visit as pleasant as possible.