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Our Team’s Favorite Halloween Costumes

Landsaw Eyecare’s team loves Halloween and wants to share a look into their thoughts when it comes to this day filled with imagination and CANDY!

Our Team’s Favorite Halloween Getups

What has been your favorite costume that you have worn?
Claire, our Patient Advocate, dressed up as her father; she had his big dress pants on and wore a pillow underneath his button up, long-sleeved, white shirt. She walked and talked just like her Dad, everyone loved it and laughter was heard throughout her home for Halloweens to come.

What is the most creative costume you have seen?
Darlene, our Front Desk Receptionist, once saw a costume that reflected “Breakfast.” The wife is dressed like a dining table set up for breakfast with her head coming through the center, and the husband is in his PJ’s carrying a newspaper.

What is the best costume you have ever made and worn on Halloween?
Rodger, our Optical Specialist, made a Centaur costume with his friends. He was half man, half horse. Rodger and his friends used wigs and horse hair to cover his legs. They then stuffed a leotard and covered it with hair to make it look like the bottom part of a horse. To complete the look, Rodger attached the stuffed leotard to himself and it appeared as if he was a CENTAUR!

Do you have a favorite Genre of costume?
Rachel, our Technician, loves costumes that have a joke underneath the surface. She is going to be a “Cereal Killer” this year. Rachel is going to attach mini cereal boxes to her shirt covered in splattered Milk and, to top it off, she’ll have a milk mustache.

Do you think Art has a place in Halloween?
Pamela, our Front Desk Receptionist/Technician, does feel that art has a place in Halloween. Her favorite part of Halloween would have to be the face art, especially when 3D art is accomplished by makeup. Art sometimes plays tricks on the mind, so there’s no better day of the year than Halloween for all the artistic people out there.

Name one thing you cannot live without on Halloween?
Deanna, our Optical Assistant, says that her favorite holiday is Halloween. If she had to say one thing she could not do without, it would have to be pumpkin carving. She love’s carving with the family and seeing the end results. Fun and friendly competition always arises and the best part is baking the pumpkin seeds!

What is your all time favorite costume?
Denise, our Optical Specialist, loves Mrs. Nesbitt from the children’s classic, Toy Story. Seeing Buzz Lightyear dress up in a pink dress drinking tea always makes her giggle. So, to see a person do the Mrs. Nesbitt Costume has Denise rolling on the ground!

Do You Need A Last-Minute Costume Idea? Try This One Out!

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Some Halloween Safety Tips

Dr. Harry Landsaw and Dr. Jannah Landsaw would also like to take a minute to give you some safety tips for the spooky evening that is upon us. First, if you use cosmetic contacts, always remember that they are still a prescription. Not following the doctor’s orders for proper care can cause some pretty icky things that will not be part of your costume. Next, if using face paint, keep the area of your eyes free of makeup. If makeup does make it into your eye, you want to rinse your eyes with water and repeat. If you cannot flush out the makeup, be sure to make an appointment with your eye doctor. Lastly, if using costume props, be sure to keep the props away from your eyes and the eyes of others. Hitting your eye can cause damage and have you wearing a pirate’s eye patch all year round.

Halloween is a time for dress up and eating candy until your belly aches, but it is also a time to be cautious and safe. Landsaw Eyecare wishes all of you a happy and safe Halloween! Remember to keep your eyes wide open to take in the scary sights and always look out ahead of you… you never know who will be there to SPOOK you!